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Say Goodbye to a Stiff Neck: Effective Chiropractic Solutions

Woman with neck painA stiff neck can make the simplest daily activities uncomfortable and painful. According to Dr. Denn, some of the most frequent causes of a stiff neck include sitting at a computer for long periods, spending time on your phone, or sleeping in awkward positions.

“If the neck is out of position, you’re going to have one side of the muscles contracted, the other side stretched out,” he said. When this happens, the muscles tighten after being in this state for hours, leading to morning or all-day stiffness.

In addition to posture, improper sleeping positions or using the wrong pillows can also cause neck stiffness. Sleeping in a chair or with a bad pillow can result in muscle tension, which may even cause the vertebrae to shift out of position, leading to stiffness and pain.

Ergonomics and Sleep: How They Affect Neck Health

Your daily habits play a major role in preventing neck stiffness. Poor ergonomics while working at a desk or using a phone can quickly strain the neck. Dr. Denn highlighted the importance of proper posture: “If your head leans forward, it’s like holding a bowling ball farther from your body—it puts so much tension on the muscles and spine.”

He recommends setting up your workspace to reduce strain, such as adjusting your monitor to eye level and taking regular breaks to stretch.

Sleep position also matters. Dr. Denn shared that certain pillows, like water pillows, can be game-changers. The bladder in the pillow forms around the skull, keeping your neck in a neutral position whether you’re sleeping on your side or back. This positioning can reduce neck stiffness and headaches and improve sleep quality, helping your muscles relax and heal overnight.

Chiropractic Adjustments for Neck Stiffness

Chiropractic care can also provide significant relief for a stiff neck. Dr. Denn explained, “A lot of times, those muscles get so tight they actually shift the vertebra out of position, causing pain or stiffness.” Chiropractic adjustments work to correct this misalignment, often using manual or instrument-based adjustments to gently move the vertebra back into place.

For particularly stiff necks, such as torticollis (where the neck is so tight it cannot turn), manual adjustments can be sore, so we sometimes use more gentle instrument adjustments or upper cervical techniques. These methods aim to restore the neck’s range of motion while easing pain and inflammation.

Stretching and Exercises to Prevent Stiffness

In addition to chiropractic care, incorporating stretching exercises into your routine can help prevent future neck stiffness. One effective stretch involves turning your head in the opposite direction of the stiffness and gently pushing against your hand to build resistance. This helps to contract and relax the muscles, breaking up adhesions and loosening trigger points.

Another useful exercise is applying light resistance with a towel around the neck. Light stretching paired with resistance can improve flexibility and reduce stiffness.

How Long Does It Take to Get Better?

The time it takes to recover from a stiff neck can vary depending on the severity of the issue and how long you’ve had it. Usually, within the first two or three visits, Dr. Denn can tell if you’re making great progress or if it might take a bit longer. Factors like age, the duration of the issue, and how well your body responds to treatment all influence recovery time.

Don’t Let Neck Pain Hold You Back

A stiff neck doesn’t have to interfere with your life. Contact Denn Chiropractic today to book your appointment and take the first step toward relief.


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